Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2012, $282,042)
The State of Connecticut's 2012 Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Program will work to increase juvenile justice information sharing and training opportunities for system practitioners and the public, particularly in the areas of disproportionate minority contact (DMC). Therefore, the Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee (JJAC) has chosen Purpose Area 10 -Interagency Information Sharing, as the focus for the 2012 federal JABG award. The State will fund projects to be developed and operationalized in 2014/2015. Connecticut's Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee (JJAC), serves as the state advisory board for the JABG Program, which allows for enhanced coordination of JABG projects with the other OJJDP programs. In Connecticut all responsibility, as well as financial burden, for the administration of juvenile justice rests with state government rather than with local governments. Therefore Connecticut has requested a 100% waiver of the local government pass through requirement since the JABG Program began and seeks to continue this 100% waiver. JABG activities will include training and technical assistance to address the JJAC's DMC recommendations and all required performance measures will be collected. NCA/NCF