Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2016, $402,161)
The Formula Grants Program is authorized under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act and funds are made available as a result of the FY 2016 Department of Justice appropriations. The purpose of this program is to support state and local delinquency prevention and intervention efforts and juvenile justice system improvements. Program areas may include: planning and administration; state advisory group allocation; compliance monitoring; prevention; and activities to address the core requirements and improvement of juvenile justice system operations and policies, as found in section 223(a)(9) of the JJDP Act.
The Iowa Juvenile Justice Advisory Council (JJAC) has identified and will use this FY 16 grant to fund the priority areas of evidence-based practices; gender equity in juvenile justice system services; a reduction in the disproportionate number of minority youth involved in the juvenile justice system; providing mental health and substance abuse services for youth involved in the juvenile justice system; promoting the understanding of juvenile brain development and the impact of this development on juvenile justice decision making; and, compliance monitoring and data analysis.
Iowa will also continue to identify evidence-based practices (EBP) through the Juvenile Justice Reform & Reinvestment Initiative and increase saturation of EBP programs throughout the state. The State will continue to support gender appropriate programs in the state and the JJAC Disproportionate Minority Contact committee will continue to work on reduction of the disparate number of minority youth through implementation of the Community and Strategic Plan (CASP) project. The state will collaborate with existing local and state projects and initiatives to address mental health and substance abuse issues of justice involved juveniles and support compliance monitoring efforts and data analysis support for all identified priority areas.
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