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Barron County Family Treatment Court

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2019, $646,951)

The OJJDP Family Drug Court Program seeks to build the capacity of states, state and local courts, units of local government, and federally recognized tribal governments to sustain existing family drug courts or establish new family drug courts. Category 3: Establishing New Family Drug Courts will support jurisdictions that are ready to implement a new family drug court. These grants are for jurisdictions where either no family drug court currently exists or a family drug court has been operational for less than 1 year.

The Barron County Family Treatment Court (FTC) will provide treatment and supportive services to participants with the goal of improving safety, well-being, and permanence for children. The county intends to use an integrated FTC model with the same court and judge hearing both dependency and recovery matters. At its maximum, the FTC will serve 12 families. The FTC will work to address three primary goals: (1) safely reunify families who are participants of the FTC within 6 months of program acceptance, (2) achieve a 75-percent reunification rate for families that participate in the FTC, and (3) maintain a 10-percent or lower reentry rate into out-of-home care for children who graduate from the FTC program. Anticipated outcomes include improved treatment completion rates, reduction in the number reentries into the child welfare system, and more efficient case processing. CA/NCF

Date Created: September 29, 2019