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Awards: List of Funded Projects

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OJJDP's grant awards support state and community efforts to develop effective prevention and intervention programs and to improve the juvenile justice system. Find details for funding awards from OJJDP below.

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Awards Listing

Showing Results For:

Number of Awards: 14
Total Amount Awarded: $11,529,923

Funded Awards
FY Sort ascending Title Original Solicitation Recipient State Award Number Amount Status
2024 4-H Mentoring for Youth Affected by Opioid and Other Substance Misuse OJJDP FY24 Mentoring for Youth Affected by Opioid and Other Substance Misuse UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT 15PJDP-24-GG-02583-MENT $2,000,000 Open
2024 Multicomponent Intervention to Reduce Youth Violence in Granite School District OJJDP FY24 Enhancing School Capacity To Address Youth Violence UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT 15PJDP-24-GK-03934-STOP $1,000,000 Open
2022 Building Resilience in Youth and Families Affected by Opioids and Other Substances in Utah OJJDP FY 2022 Opioid Affected Youth Initiative UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT 15PJDP-22-GG-03265-JJOP $739,322 Open
2020 Utah 4-H Mentoring OJJDP FY 2020 Opioid Affected Youth Initiative UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT 2020-YB-FX-0001 $690,554 Open
2020 Utah 4-H Mentoring Program OJJDP FY 2020 Mentoring Opportunities for Youth Initiative UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT 2020-JY-FX-0015 $1,250,000 Open
2017 Utah 4-H Mentoring Initiative OJJDP FY 17 Mentoring Opportunities for Youth UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT 2017-JU-FX-0018 $1,000,000 Closed
2014 Research/Evidence-Based Enhancements to the 4-H Mentoring of Central Utah Program OJJDP FY 14 Youth Development, Prevention and Safety Invited Awards Utah State University UT 2012-JU-FX-0022 $399,840 Closed
2013 Provide research/evidence-based enhancements to the 4-H Mentoring of Central Utah program through: 1)One-on-One mentoring, 2) initial and ongoing mentor training, and 3) ongoing mentor support. OJJDP FY 13 Youth Development, Prevention and Safety Division Invited Awards Utah State University UT 2012-JU-FX-0022 $399,980 Closed
2012 Contextual and Developmental Processes of Mentoring: Identifying Critical Components of Effective Prevention Programming for Impoverished Adolescents OJJDP FY 12 Mentoring Best Practices Research Utah State University UT 2012-JU-FX-0007 $260,127 Closed
2012 Provide research/evidence-based enhancements to the 4-H Mentoring of Central Utah program through: 1)One-on-One mentoring, 2) initial and ongoing mentor training, and 3) ongoing mentor support. OJJDP FY 12 Mentoring Enhancement Demonstration Program Utah State University UT 2012-JU-FX-0022 $399,850 Closed
2003 Youth and Families with Promise (YFP) mentoring program FY 2003 OJJDP Congressional Earmark Programs Utah State University UT 2000-JG-FX-K001 $596,100 Closed
2000 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Congressional Earmark Programs OJJDP Discretionary Continuation Programs - Demonstration Utah State University UT 2000-JG-FX-K001 $748,350 Closed
2000 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Congressional Earmark Programs OJJDP Discretionary Continuation Programs - Demonstration Utah State University UT 2000-JG-FX-K001 $1,045,800 Closed
2000 JUVENILE JUSTICE AND DELINQUENCY PREVENTION CONGRESSIONAL EARMARK PROGRAMS OJJDP Congressional Earmark Programs Utah State University UT 2000-JG-FX-K001 $1,000,000 Closed