2017 |
Iowa ICAC Task Force |
OJJDP FY 17 ICAC Task Forces Invited Applications |
IA |
2017-MC-FX-K010 |
$309,046 |
Closed |
2017 |
State of Iowa JJDP Act Formula Grant (Title II) Application |
OJJDP FY 17 Title II Formula Award |
IA |
2017-JF-FX-0011 |
$401,650 |
Closed |
2016 |
Iowa ICAC Task Force - 2016 |
OJJDP FY 16 Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Invited |
Iowa Department of Public Safety |
IA |
2014-MC-FX-K021 |
$308,589 |
Closed |
2016 |
Iowa PREA Compliance Project |
OJJDP FY 16 Prison Rape Elimination Act Reallocation Invited Awards |
Iowa Criminal and Justice Planning Agency |
IA |
2016-JF-FX-0072 |
$6,801 |
Closed |
2016 |
Iowa SMART on Juvenile Justice Planning Initiative |
OJJDP FY 16 Smart on Juvenile Justice: Statewide Juvenile Justice Reform Planning Training & Technical Assistance |
Iowa Department of Human Rights |
IA |
2016-ZB-BX-0011 |
$270,891 |
Closed |
2016 |
Iowa's Title II Formula Grant Project |
OJJDP FY 16 Title II Formula Grants Program |
Iowa Criminal and Justice Planning Agency |
IA |
2016-JF-FX-0024 |
$402,161 |
Closed |
2016 |
Juvenile Reentry Systems (JReS) Implementation Effort |
OJJDP FY 16 Juvenile Justice System Improvement Division Invited Applications |
Iowa Criminal and Justice Planning Agency |
IA |
2015-CZ-BX-0029 |
$500,000 |
Closed |
2015 |
FY15 ICAC Continuation Grant |
OJJDP FY 15 Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Invited |
Iowa Department of Public Safety |
IA |
2014-MC-FX-K021 |
$309,142 |
Closed |
2015 |
Iowa's Comprehensive Juvenile Reentry System (JReS) |
OJJDP FY 15 Second Chance Act Comprehensive Statewide Juvenile Reentry System Reform Implementation Program |
Iowa Criminal and Justice Planning Agency |
IA |
2015-CZ-BX-0029 |
$735,000 |
Closed |
2015 |
Iowa's Title II, Formula Grant Application |
OJJDP FY 15 Title II Formula Grants Program |
Iowa Criminal and Justice Planning Agency |
IA |
2015-JF-FX-0002 |
$400,548 |
Closed |
2015 |
Supplemental Application for Collaborating for Iowa Families |
OJJDP FY 15 Juvenile Justice System Improvement Invited Applications |
Judicial Branch of Iowa |
IA |
2014-DC-BX-K006 |
$317,587 |
Closed |
2014 |
Collaboration for Iowa Families |
OJJDP FY 14 Family Drug Court Statewide System Reform |
Judicial Branch of Iowa |
IA |
2014-DC-BX-K006 |
$509,112 |
Closed |
2014 |
FY 2014 ICAC Task Force |
OJJDP FY 14 Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Invited Awards |
Iowa Department of Public Safety |
IA |
2014-MC-FX-K021 |
$315,249 |
Closed |
2014 |
Iowa 2014 JJDP Act Formula Grant, Title II Application Update |
OJJDP FY 14 Title II Formula Grants Program |
Iowa Criminal and Justice Planning Agency |
IA |
2013-MU-FX-0024 |
$393,667 |
Closed |
2014 |
Iowa PREA - Juvenile Compliance Initiative |
OJJDP FY 14 Application Guidance for Prison Rape Elimination Act Reallocation Funds |
Iowa Criminal and Justice Planning Agency |
IA |
2014-JF-FX-0140 |
$8,001 |
Closed |
2014 |
Iowa's Comprehensive Juvenile Reentry System Strategic Plan |
OJJDP FY 14 Second Chance Act Comprehensive StatewideJuvenile Reentry Systems Reform Planning Program |
Iowa Criminal and Justice Planning Agency |
IA |
2014-CZ-BX-0003 |
$100,000 |
Closed |
2014 |
Trouble Youth Program guidance and supervision. |
OJJDP FY 14 CTAS Purpose Area 9: Tribal Youth Program |
IA |
2014-TY-FX-0014 |
$318,142 |
Closed |
2013 |
Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws |
OJJDP FY 13 State and Community Development Division Invited Awards |
Iowa Criminal and Justice Planning Agency |
IA |
2011-AH-FX-0003 |
$59,639 |
Closed |
2013 |
Formula Grant Title II Application for Iowa |
OJJDP FY 13 Title II Formula Grants Program |
Iowa Criminal and Justice Planning Agency |
IA |
2013-MU-FX-0024 |
$405,381 |
Closed |
2013 |
FY 2013 ICAC Continuation |
OJJDP FY 13 Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Invited Awards |
Iowa Department of Public Safety |
IA |
2011-MC-CX-K006 |
$330,583 |
Closed |
2013 |
Iowa standardized strategies to reduce DMC in juvenile court. |
OJJDP FY 13 Disproportionate Minority Contact Community and Strategic Planning Project |
Iowa Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning-CJJP |
IA |
2013-JF-FX-0001 |
$100,000 |
Closed |
2013 |
Iowa's JABG Project |
OJJDP FY 13 Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Program |
Iowa Criminal and Justice Planning Agency |
IA |
2013-JB-FX-0021 |
$201,923 |
Closed |
2013 |
Local Mentoring Collaboration Coordinator Program |
OJJDP FY 13 Youth Development, Prevention and Safety Division Invited Awards |
City of Mason City |
IA |
2012-JU-FX-0031 |
$90,090 |
Closed |
2012 |
2012 Iowa JABG Project |
OJJDP FY 12 Juvenile Accountability Block Grant |
Iowa Criminal and Justice Planning Agency |
IA |
2012-JB-FX-0011 |
$263,199 |
Closed |
2012 |
Iowa's Juvenile Justice Reform Project in the 1st, 3rd, and 6th Judicial Districts. |
OJJDP FY 12 Juvenile Justice Reform and Reinvestment Demonstration Program |
Iowa Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning |
IA |
2012-PI-F3-K004 |
$750,000 |
Closed |