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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Gang violence

OJJDP Observes National Gang Violence Prevention Week


President Trump issued a proclamation recognizing September 15 to 21, 2019, as National Gang Violence Prevention Week. This weeklong observance is dedicated to combating gang violence in communities nationwide. The proclamation supports the Department of Justice's work with state, local, and tribal law enforcement partners to implement Project Safe Neighborhoods, a data-driven, comprehensive violent crime reduction program. OJJDP works to reduce gang violence through...

Gang Violence Prevention

OJJDP Support

To address youth gangs, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) supports a range of programs and activities designed to prevent and suppress gang violence and recruitment.

In fiscal year (FY) 2019, OJJDP awarded $7.4 million to support communities as they work to deter and suppress gang activity and provide services and treatment to victims of gang-related violence and crime. OJJDP...

Webinar To Discuss the OJJDP FY 2019 Supporting Victims of Gang Violence Grant Program

On May 2, 2019, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET, OJJDP will present "OJJDP FY 2019 Supporting Victims of Gang Violence Grant Program." This webinar will provide an overview of the Supporting Victims of Gang Violence Grant Program solicitation, the application process, and the eligibility and solicitation requirements. Applicants will also have the opportunity to ask questions. Register for this webinar.


  • Visit the ...

OJJDP FY 18 Gang Suppression: A Law Enforcement and Prosecutorial Approach to Address Gang Recruitment of Unaccompanied Alien Children

Closing Date

The primary purposes of the OJJDP FY18 Gang and Youth Prevention Partnerships project are the reduction of violent youth crime, gun and gang violence and victimization in communities and to increase public safety in coordination with law enforcement and local partners. Through comprehensive strategic planning, communities develop and implement specific plans to reduce community violence by taking collective action. These goals will be achieved through...

Youth Gangs

Date Published
December 1997
Publication Type
Issue Overview, Instructional Material, Factsheet