Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2011, $50,000)
The Title V Community Prevention Grants Program intends to reduce risks and enhance protective factors to prevent at-risk youth from entering the juvenile justice systems and to intervene with first-time and non-serious offenders to keep them out of the juvenile justice system.
The District of Columbia Justice Grants Administration (JGA) will use Title V funds to support community-based organizations that provide delinquency prevention programs, with a specific emphasis on the Parents and Adolescent Support Services (PASS) program. As determined through a competitive RFA, JGA will fund organizations that serve children, youth and families in Washington, DC to improve their capacity, and to strengthen their sustainability, impact and success. JGA expects to award one or two grants for delinquency prevention programs. The JGA will collect data from the subgrantee(s) on a quarterly basis for the required OJJDP performance measures. NCA/NCF
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