This program will promote and expand services in detention and correctional facilities to incarcerated individuals who have children younger than age 18. This program will provide states and localities with funding to implement positive family engagement strategies and activities that address the needs of incarcerated parents with minor children. Program activities include developing strategies to increase and enhance communication between the child and his or her incarcerated parent while maintaining safe facilities, and providing transitional reentry services that incorporate a focus on parental responsibility for incarcerated parents.
Number of Awards: 10
Total Amount Awarded: $7,180,204
Allegheny County Family Support Program
City of Norfolk Addressing the Needs of Incarcerated Parents Program
Connecting For Success - Services and Support for Incarcerated Parents and their Minor Children
Every Child Matters - Ohio Department of Youth Services
Miami-Dade County Project Second Chance for Incarcerated Parents with Minor Children
Parenting Inside Out Phase II: Enhanced Visitation Pilot Project
SCA Father/Child Visitation Program
SCA Parents with Minor Children
Second Chance Act: Addressing the Needs of Incarcerated Children with Minor Parents
Virginia Department of Corrections Building Family Bridges
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