- Youth Population Characteristics
- Youth as Victims
- Offending by Youth
- Juvenile Justice System Structure & Process
- Law Enforcement & Youth Crime
- Youth in Court
- Youth on Probation
- Youth in Corrections
- Special Topic: Hispanic Youth in the Juvenile Justice System
- Special Topic: Racial and Ethnic Fairness
- Special Topic: State Juvenile Justice Profiles
- Easy Access to Juvenile Populations
- Easy Access to the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports
- Easy Access to NIBRS Victims
- Easy Access to FBI Arrest Statistics
- Easy Access to Juvenile Court Statistics
- Easy Access to State and County Juvenile Court Case Counts
- Easy Access to the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement
- Juvenile Residential Facility Census Databook
Youth on Probation
Probation is a mechanism used by juvenile justice agencies at many different points in the system. It serves as a sanction for youth adjudicated in court, and in many cases as a way of diverting youth referred for a status offense or youth referred for their first delinquency offense from the court system. This section documents the number of delinquency cases that receive a probation disposition based on data collected through OJJDP’s the National Juvenile Court Data Archive.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) provide the latest answers to the most commonly asked questions about youth on probation. Here you will find information on how courts use probation and on the number and characteristics of cases that receive a probation disposition.
Probation as a Court Disposition
- When is probation supervision used by the court? [Answer]
- How many delinquency cases receive probation as the most restrictive disposition? [Answer]
- What are the characteristics of cases placed on formal probation? [Answer]
- Do trends in the number of adjudicated cases receiving probation vary by offense? [Answer]